Street Department
The Bryant Street Department is charged with maintaining a vast City infrastructure, which includes miles of paved roadways, 101 miles of curb, hundreds of miles of sidewalk and 11 signalized intersections. The Street Department is also tasked with street sweeping, road inspections, patching, mowing, rights of way maintenance, swale rehab, culvert installation and traffic signal maintenance.
If you see a problem, you can easily send us a trouble ticket via our website. Just go to Report a Concern which is located on the homepage.
Project Updates

Friday Feb 24, 2023 08:02 PM
Almost Done ! 95% Complete
DATE: Friday Feb 24, 2023 08:02 PM

Transportation Project Summaries
Bryant Parkway: Interstate 30 to Shobe Road (Project 1)
Bryant Parkway: Interstate 30 to Shobe Road (Project 1)
- Earthwork is to grade from Raymar Rd to Hunter Lee. Beginning grading from Hunter Lee to Shobe Road.
- Paving and construction is almost completed May 2019
- Construction Start Date-In Progress May 2018
Bryant Parkway Shobe Road to Reynolds Road (Project 2)
Bryant Parkway: Interstate 30 to Shobe Road (Project 1)
- Alternative B is currently being pursued as the preferred alternative after other route were disqualified.
- Airport Commission has agreed to Alternative B as the best alternative route.
- The Airport has submitted their Master Plan Update to the FAA showing the area for Bryant Parkway as Non-Aeronautical use. Once the FAA approves the Master Plan Update, a land release request can be submitted to the FAA for approval.
- Preliminary Bridge Plans have been submitted to Union Pacific Railroad for review.
- 90% Roadway and Bridge plans for Bryant Parkway from Shobe to south side of bridge are complete. Roadway plans are 60% complete.
- Working with Saline County Airport to prepare the required Airport Layout Plan update, waiting on FAA approval.
- FEMA has approved the bridge across Crooked Creek
- Union Pacific Railroad has issued preliminary approval of the bridge over the railroad.
- Coordinating with Entergy to raise Transmission Lines where required.
- Waiting on FAA approval to move forward.
- Topo Surveys - Completed
- Parcel Surveys - Completed
- 30% Submittal - Completed
- 60% Submittal - In Progress
- 90% Submittal - December 2020
- Final Submittal - March 2021
- Planned Construction Start - April 2021
Bryant Pkwy/Hilldale/Hillfarm Rd Intersection Improvements
Bryant Pkwy/Hilldale/Hillfarm Rd Intersection Improvements
- Top Surveys Completed
- Designs are 100% Complete
- Design Surveys - Completed
- 30% Submittal - Completed
- 60% Submittal - Completed
- Final Submittal - Completed
- Anticipated Completion - February 2021
Bryant Parkway/ Stagecoach Road Intersection Improvements
- The City has engaged an engineering firm to create a temporary improvement design that includes signalization. Once the design is complete ARDOT will need to approve. The city plans to use surplus equipment to expedite this project as much as possible.
- 60% plans were submitted to ARDOT for review and ARDOT's response indicated that they will not allow a signal to be installed without widening HWY 5 to include left turn lanes. They are also requiring that a permanent signal is installed as opposed to the temporary signal that was proposed. Due to the high cost associated with these additional improvements, the city and Garver met with ARDOT to look for other solutions.
- ARDOT has a future widening project programmed on HWY 5 through this area, and after the meeting with ARDOT it was determined that ARDOT may be able to expedite the construction of the signal and the 5 lane section near this intersection. Garver is assisting the city in drafting a letter to ARDOT to officially make the request to expedite this project. At this point we have received no indication that this timeline will be moved up. 8/4/2020
Street Overlay Projects
Current Overlay Projects
- Neil Street: Anticipated Completion December 2021
- Andrew Drive: Completed 10/2021 - Cost $23,116.62
- Mt Carmel: Completed 09/21 - State Aid Money
- Boone Road: Completed 09/21- State Aid Money
- B Street Subgrade and Overlay: Completed 10/21 - Cost $93,320.90
2021 Completed Overlay Projects
- Spanway Street
- Sections of Hilldale
- Sections of Hanover
- Sections of Ozark
The Division is responsible for ensuring the safety and maintaining the condition of all public streets, traffic signals, signs and rights of ways.
Services Provided
- Pothole patching
- Crack sealing
- Asphalt paving
- Asphalt rejuvenation
- Street cleaning
- Snow and ice removal from streets
- Conduit Jetting
- Facility maintenance
- Street construction projects
- Yard Waste
- Traffic Signal Maintenance
- Sign Replacement and Repair
- Street Right of Way in the City
Additional Resources
For information on who to contact for street, right of way, signs or signal maintenance, please contact the Street Department at 501-943-0468.
To Report Streetlight Outages
For streetlight outages please contact your electric company for replacement or repair by using the links located below
Entergy Street Light Repair First Electric Street Light Repair