DATES: May 24, 2022 - May 24, 2023
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The City of Bryant Parks and Recreation Department, Mayor Allen Scott, and the Bryant City Council are excited to announce the Bryant Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update process is officially underway.
The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan is to assist the city in guiding its plans for future investments to parks, recreation, trails, and green spaces within the city for the next twenty years based on the needs the residents of Bryant have stated should be a focus for growth.
To accomplish this, public input is vital. There will be many opportunities for the community to share ideas over the next several months. The first being a short online survey to help set a foundation for future public meetings and conversations surrounding this project. Bryant residents and visitors can go to and complete the survey.
“Creating an updated Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan is essential in assisting the Bryant Parks to identify areas that our residents feel should be improved or added in our existing parks system. This process allows the city to create a long-term vision created by our community and will assist the city council in prioritizing projects for the parks department in the future” states Mayor Allen Scott.
I appreciate the volunteers from several community organizations and recreational groups who attended last week’s kick-off meeting. I believe their input and assistance in reaching as many people as possible for feedback through this process goes a long way in ensuring our success in creating a park’s legacy for many generations to use and enjoy” added Chris Treat, Bryant Parks Director.
You can follow the project on the city’s website by going to and sign up for update notifications.
McClelland Consultant Engineers has been selected to lead this project and create the comprehensive plan.